Research & Conservation of Enigmatic Inhabitants of Zaisan Valley and surroundings.

Short fiction in framework of exploration of Central Asia. The wise people can be engaged in field study and scientific job. Only serious research can make a difference. Our group are engaged in conduct in-depth research inventory in most forgotten and fantastic-looking ecosystems for confirming rare biota, fauna & flora and minerals. m f Mitigating human-wildlife conflict is needed, especially where this impact is most express. But what we can do for available research and conservation of most elusive & unique species and quasi-populations, that are in fact undetermined species. Camera traps are powerful tool that confirming by non-invasive techniques presence of unknown populations. Unique ideas are no doubt needed in those five areas.

Conservation projects are programmes undertaken by conservation and environmental organizations to protect biodiversity, wildlife, wild places or rare species. Zaisan swamps are refugia areas for relic pleistocene species. There are probably inhabited by ksy-gyik, rare unproof species of rhinophitecus-like monkey, and ehik, small navy-blue colourish bear or rosomak species. Little is known about those areas. There are some proof for inhabits these areas by taimen-like fishes and varanids that are in-fact quasi-populations, belonging to its own, new species. Provided by Quatl Environment Consulting.
// received june2017>> adventure project_rd342Ynz code of article.
author of article -independent zoologist Tomasz Q. Pietrzak, published by Quatlwork Archives.